I do love to straighten my hair and feel its silky glide on my shoulders. This, however, has its drawbacks.
When it comes to my hair, I start thinking of how damaged it is from straightening, curling and the different fixing and styling products, as well as the cold temperatures in winter. Without a doubt this was the reason to look for products for intensive nourishing and recovery.
Recently I've started using the shampoo and conditioner KEUNE Care Line Satin Oil, which are a part of a more luxurious product range. The products contain a number of essential minerals and nourishing ingredients such as sweet almond and passion fruit oils. When I used the Satin Oil shampoo for the first time, I noticed the difference between regular shampoos and such designed to protect your hair. The was lack of the usual thick and aggressive foam, which damages your hair after long use. The conditioner is soft and doesn't make my hair heavy or greasy.
Много любопитен продукт за мен беше серумът против цъфтеж на краищата. Със своята висока концентрация, той "запечатва" връхчетата на косата. При разчупване на капсулка, серумът изтича и е много по-плътен от повечето серуми. Изсипва се на върха на пръстите и се разнася по краищата на косата. След изсушаване косата ми беше мека и гладка. И определено не хвърчеше във всички посоки!
Препоръчвам ли продуктите на KEUNE от серията Satin Oil? Определено, да!
Препоръчвам ли продуктите на KEUNE от серията Satin Oil? Определено, да!
A product I found very interesting was the hair restoring serum, specially developed for damaged hair and split ends. With its high concentration, it "seals" the split ends. When you break the capsule, you feel the serum much thicker than most hair serums. You can put it on your fingers and spread it on your hair ends. After I dried my hair, it felt soft and smooth. And it definitely wasn't flying around in all directions.
Looks like an amazing product! Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteMelanie @ meandmr.com
Sounds like a great product.
ReplyDeleteLizzie Dripping